Info: Hier gehts zum WikiQuest sample

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Im Folgenden habe ich den Grundriss eines WikiQuests skizziert. In diesem sample sind die Mainpage und eine Gruppen-Subpage anwählbar.

Vorlage:Girl Meets Boy WikiQuest/Navigationneu

Core tasks for all groups

Hand.gif Task 1. Find out which crossing is perfect for our class.
  • Outbound: Portsmouth - 10.07.12
  • Return: Santander - 20.08.12

Link: Brittany-ferries

Hand.gif Task 2. Describe the way from Santander harbour to our hotel?
  • Describe the way with as much details as you can. (Do you need help? Here you can find some words which might help you).
  • You can find your way with Google Maps.

Hand.gif Task 3. Find a nice restaurant near our hotel.

helpme file: How to find a restaurant with Google Maps

Vorlage:Dresden WikiQuest/Navigationneu/Gruppen