On Dec. 10, 2008 the Department of Tourism organized the Project Day RENAISSANCE . [1] Six classes (9. -14.) had been preparing themselves for weeks for this great event. Provided with authentic clothing they engaged in dance and music performances, acrobatics as well as some unexpected happenings.
In the morning of Dec. 10, they were assigned some research tasks, and had the opportunity to listen to lectures on several subjects or to do some handicraft, the results of which proudly were presented in the afternoon..
On the following pages please find some pictures taken at different stages of the event:
The Hungarian Renaissance King Matthias (1443-1490) [2]
King Matthias on a 1000 Forint banknote
Dante Alighieri (1265?-1321)[3]
Baron Bálint Balassa (1554-1594) [4]
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